No Easy Immortality
Book Review No Easy Immortality by J. H Reyner This book is a breakthrough in the understanding of life. Amid the turmoil of events many people have an innate conviction that existence has a purpose beyond the pursuit of material success. This indeed is indicated in both legend and religion but the practical man or woman finds the idea remote and i nterprets it as implying that life is merely a preparation for some future state of enlightenment. The author who is a scientist of repute, challenges this view, maintainig=ng that it is based on an illusion of the senses. There is clear evidence that the body is only a temporary habitation for a spiritual soulwhich continues to exis after death, yet the question remains, " Why is our sojourn on earth necessary at all?". NO EASY IMMORTALITY explains that earthly life is infact a seach for a suitable material to nourish the soul. This 'psychological' material is not available free of charge but has to be paid fo...