We The Living

I can't help but wonder where  WE THE LIVING
are headed this coming political dispensation.

Oh Nigeria how my heart bleeds for you!
So great yet so little, so rich yet so poor
Wish we all would understand that our thoughts and deeds
though hidden they may be, shappen our one small world, Nigeria

The spirit of Nigeria is strong and enduring
Like planet Gaia in protection of her children
is Nigeria calling and beckoning; Give me Love
Love unassuming, love encompassing and I shall
tend thy greatest needs.

Mind, Body & Spirit Development

Imagined or not I do not know.
But me think I get the looks from foreigners.
Is it fear, caution, automati distrust? I do not
care so muh for their thoughts but the knowledge that
I Am who I Am, Love, Beauty, strength and compassion.
Man or demon may not hange that. LOL!^**

It is time Nigerians. Lets take the responsibilities
of our future into your hands. No more blaming anybody
but ourselves in failure; for a part of our essene,
our soul, our spirit is Nigeria. If she (Nigeria) fails
we fail too. Understand and know that for persoanl growth
for it will lead to the galaxies. Hmmmm . . .


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