
Showing posts from 2011

Adam and Eve: the human condition

GENESIS REVISITED - a new beginning The story of Adam and Eve may depict man's fall from the comfort of living in blameless ignorance, but it also describes his first - thanks to woman - courageous step on the long and difficult journey towards greater awareness (of himself, of others, and of the world at large) and responsibility, away from ignorance and the instinctive, blameless behaviour of his animal nature. It is high-time that we exchanged Yahweh for a more enlightened (concept of) God. Instead of cursing them, this is what my God (with more than 2000 years of hindsight  (When God Was a Woman (Harvest/HBJ Book) ) , after sending her unworthy husband away, might have said to Eve: Red Moon Curiosity and the desire for knowledge and awareness have led you to disobey me, but I like your courageous and independent spirit, which is in contrast to your obedient and wimp of a  husband. You have started to become conscious of yourself, of others and of the world ...

The Realisation of Self

There are messages hidden in the open; yet seemingly secret places; for those who yearn, those who seek truth and love Yearning for the fulness of being, of life. That feeling of being alive, of just being, not being brave, smart or cool. A state without thought, worry or fear. Learning to feel the body and the aliveness. Hearing with the body and stilling the mind. Such a wonderful feeling of relaxation, strength, knowing and aliveness Eckhart Tolle explains a simple way of anchoring yourself in the present moment.  The Power of Now Knowing you are already who you are at this moment, how to "listen with your entire body", while working with the body, mind, and attention in order to merge with this moment There is no tomorow, but an illussion. Because when tomorrow comes you are already living in it so it now He points to those unconscious patterns that keep us from accessing the deeper intelligence within. It explores our highest purpose in life ...

Who am I?

Who am I? I keep wondering.  The answer returned to me blank. It cannot be blank or, can it? My name is Hoselita . . . It doesn't quiet say who I am does it? It is just a name. It could have been Mabel, faith... So what now. Ok this is my body, my hand, my spine So what is it that claims this body, this face as "mine" My thought spiralled through aeons path threaded Choas and darkness, yet the answer returned to me void. Through passages, shapes, wave of colour,  meandering all around me, pathing ways, Consciousness taking flight to planes unknown, To regions without name or form. Just the sound of Omm, the vibrations of all forms  and worlds trying to take shape, to come to be Knowing that as soon as I thrust my consciousness  downward it will eventually solidify The I that claims this body of mine, my face, my soul . . . Is it the feeling of nothingness or all encompassing  feeling of universality Wha...