The Path of Immortality
Hoselita Ikoli -------------------- Awakening The Consciousness Of Man -------------------- "Earnestness, said a Great Teacher, is the path of immortality. They who are in earnest do not die; they who are not in earnest are as if dead already." Earnestness is the dedication of the entire mind to its task. . . . Earnest people are dissatisfied with anything short of the highest excellence in whatever they do, and they always reach that excellence. . . . The whole world is always on the lookout to reward the best. It always stands ready to pay the full price, whether in money, fame, friends, influence, happiness, scope, or life, for that which is surpassing excellence. --------------------------------- James Allen, best known for his book As a Man Thinketh, lasted only nine years, but he was able to pen 19 books in that period. Allen died in 1912 and the year before wrote Eight Pillars of Prosperity ---------------------------------